Candidate Resource Center

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Creating a Killer Resume in 2024: A Jobseeker's FAQ

Should I use AI? What's the right format? Is the one-page limit still a thing? Resume-writing best practices are changing faster than ever. In this guide, we answer your biggest questions, helping you translate your skills and experience into a powerful tool to land that interview.

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Level the Job-Search Playing Field

Think the system is rigged against you? The truth is, the job search isn’t always fair. Here’s what can happen – and how a staffing recruiter can help level the playing field.

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How to Sound Like a Hero in Your Next Interview

Move over STAR; meet SHER - a modern, powerful format for answering interview questions that highlights your capacity for self-awareness, coachability and growth.

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AI Is Flooding the Job Market With Applications. Here’s What To Do About It:

AI makes it easier to apply for jobs en masse. It’s increasing your competition - making it harder to stand out. Here’s how to rise above the application torrent and get noticed by hiring managers.

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Throwing Flags: Interview Mistakes That Could Cost You the Job

On the job hunt? Make sure you’re not tanking your chances with these missteps during the interview phase.

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